Silver Sneakers Member Uplifts Others

Peggy Johnson comes to Silver Sneakers class at the Boll Family YMCA twice a week, despite physical challenges many people would use as an excuse. The classes help her stay active and engaged, and in return she encourages others with her positive attitude and friendliness.

peggy-soloThere are some people in life who bring light to anyone who crosses their path through their warmth, positive attitude, and refusal to let limitations keep them down.
Peggy Johnson is one of those people. The 54-year-old married mother of two children comes to the Boll Family YMCA twice a week for the Silver Sneakers exercise class and to do a cardio workout afterwards. That’s not uncommon, but the challenges she faces in getting to the Y are.

Peggy has cerebral palsy and uses crutches to walk. She does not drive, so she either gets a ride from her husband, Quentin, who she calls “such an inspiration to me” or takes a bus from her home in southwest Detroit to the Boll two days a week. She says people at the Boll have been very welcoming to her and make her feel at home. “People here are so encouraging, uplifting and positive,” she says. “And it’s been so great to be an encouragement for others.”

Silver Sneakers classes are designed for older people and people with physical limitations. instructor Marietta Franklin helps students with modifications based on their abilities, while still ensuring they get a good workout. There’s a warm, friendly, supportive vibe in the class, and members help each other out.

Tom Bender, branch operations manager for the Boll, says Peggy is “such a positive person, each interaction I have with her…always smiling and upbeat.”

The class has helped Peggy as well, both physically and emotionally. “Getting out and interacting with the group helps my morale,” she says. She retired from the city of Detroit after a long career as a physical therapist, so she knows the power of exercise to heal body and spirit.  “As long as I can keep moving, I can keep going throughout my life,” Peggy says.