Boys Dedicate Party to Detroit Swims

When you’re a child, few things are as exciting as a birthday party…and birthday presents. But Bo Hahn and Hassan Ezzeddine of Farmington Hills, who have known each other since babyhood, decided to dedicate their shared 10th birthday bash to gathering donations for Detroit Swims. Detroit Swims is a program based at the Boll Family…


When you’re a child, few things are as exciting as a birthday party…and birthday presents. But Bo Hahn and Hassan Ezzeddine of Farmington Hills, who have known each other since babyhood, decided to dedicate their shared 10th birthday bash to gathering donations for Detroit Swims.

Detroit Swims is a program based at the Boll Family YMCA that aims to reduce drowning deaths among minority children by giving them basic swim lessons. Children are bussed to local high school pools for lessons from qualified instructors. They use donated suits, goggles and swim caps while they are there, so there is no expense whatsoever to the families.

The boys got the idea when they met Olympian Peter Vanderkaay, who has partnered with the Y to bring attention to Detroit Swims. Hassan’s mom Colleen says that they met Vanderkaay at the Detroit Athletic Club and asked him to lunch, where he told the boys about Detroit Swims. Colleen was aware of the importance of the cause because her husband serves on the board of the Metropolitan YMCA, and she also took her children to a gym and swim program at the Y for homeschoolers and saw displays there promoting Detroit Swims.

Bo came up with the idea after his mom suggested that age 10 was old enough to stop expecting presents at a birthday party. The boys had about 80 children at their party at Farmington Glen Aquatic Club, and asked for donations of swimsuits, goggles and pool noodles. Oye Crepes catered the party and donated proceeds to Detroit Swims as well.

Thanks to the boys and their families, this fall’s class of Detroit Swims participants will be equipped to learn lifesaving skills.