Breaking the Cycle, Changing Perceptions

“I have recently become involved at the Carls Family YMCA located in Milford and want to share something about my experience with you. I guard my time for charitable endeavors, devoting the vast majority of it to Rotary. That has certainly served me well, as I think it has drastically changed my life for the…


“I have recently become involved at the Carls Family YMCA located in Milford and want to share something about my experience with you. I guard my time for charitable endeavors, devoting the vast majority of it to Rotary. That has certainly served me well, as I think it has drastically changed my life for the better these past years. Recently I heard a story from a young woman that prompted me to write about the Carls Family Y and what they do.”
-Jim G

Heather’s Story:

Heather is a single mom who is going to college full time and working 2 part time jobs to support her 3 kids. One is 8, another 6 and the third is 4. The 4-year-old is her niece for whom she took responsibility. Her sister was unable to provide even basic care and the little girl was malnourished at 2 years old.

Like a number of working parents, Heather was concerned with what she would do with the kids when school was out. She was considering hiring a teenage babysitter for $5 an hour to watch them and make sure they didn’t hurt themselves. This seemed hardly productive to their personal economics or the children’s’ growth. She told me how her oldest, a boy, was offered a scholarship for one week of Y Day Camp last year and how he was able to blossom just during that short camp experience.

This year the Y offered all 3 kids scholarships for 12 weeks of Day Camp. They are helping Heather break the cycle of poverty that her family has been trapped in for decades by offering her a substantial scholarship that will allow her to continue to get her college degree and work 2 jobs. She is paying a portion as she is able.

I can tell you Heather will make it. I sat next to her and heard the determination in her voice as we spoke. Afterwards I heard success story after success story about how the Carls Family YMCA was changing lives like this. What a blessing it is to the communities it serves!

Please help us help more Heathers to break that cycle and provide a safe nurturing environment for their children through Day Camp at the Y.

Click here to learn how you can make a life-changing contribution that helps build a brighter future for kids and families.