Category: Youth Development
The community of people that gather at a YMCA is often referred to as “YMCA family,” because being part of the Y is so much more than just belonging to a place to work out, go to camp, or learn to swim. And sometimes, the Y truly is family. When Breeana Dixit was killed in…
Happy Opening Day! Today’s festivities are just the start of the excitement for the Tigers Opening Weekend. On Sunday, kids from the Y Detroit Leadership Academy will join nearly 200 others to promote a healthy lifestyle for children at the Detroit Tigers’ Kids Opening Day. They will demonstrate exercises before the game and enjoy an…
Parents are always looking for ways to help their preschoolers burn off their boundless energy, and a new class at the South Oakland YMCA aims to do just that while giving them a taste of many different sports.
Summertime is the season most associated with YMCA Camps, but both camps Nissokone and Ohiyesa are available all weekend for groups to rent out and and enjoy winter fun in a stress-free environment.
Girls On the Run Spring season is just around the corner .To ensure that girls who might not otherwise be able to afford to participate in Girls On The Run can enjoy all the benefits of the program, a team of women is heading up a Crowdrise fundraiser to cover costs at the Boll Family…