Today we are excited to share how your support helps the YMCA help others, make every day better. Consider making a special donation today and or asking family and friends to Give to the YMCA.
Did you know despite the YMCA being closed for over 6 months in 2020 that thanks to our members, donors, public funding and a host of community partners, that the YMCA of Metropolitan Detroit provided essential services to the community, here is sample of what we did together:
- Served nearly 11,000 children in Macomb, Oakland, & Wayne Counties with Child Care, Y Day Camp, SportPort (supervised youth sport sampling), Girls on the Run, Y Arts, and Y Learning Centers.
- Distributed over 217,000 meals to children & young adults with special needs, including delivering Fresh Food Baskets to 100 families & 40 seniors for Thanksgiving. These baskets fed nearly 600 people. Each basket provided families a week of food during the holiday, over 30 volunteers delivered the meals.
- Promoted Voter registration and participation to 50,000 YMCA members & program participants.
- Adopted 80 Families for the holiday season providing over 200 children an amazing Christmas.
Every day, inve$tment$ in the YMCA from people like you:
- Champions health, wellness, and chronic disease prevention
- Cultivates access and participation in the arts
- Employs and trains youth and young adults
- Feeds hungry youth, families, and seniors
- Helps children and youth learn academics and life skills
- Provides safe welcoming spaces for everyone
- Reduces health disparities through access and education
- Teaches lifesaving water safety skills
Creating healthier communities is a priceless return on your investment. GIVE to the YMCA.